Ten Principles

Infinitas Learning is committed to lawful as well as socially and ethically responsible conduct. To emphasize this position, the board of directors has signed a formal Compliance Commitment document.
To help us fulfil this commitment now and in future, we have established our Compliance Management System. This includes the implementation of procedures and policies within Infinitas Learning, as well as the monitoring of their effectiveness. The foundations on which the behaviour of the company, of our employees and our business partners shall rest are the following ten principles:

1. Fair competition: Infinitas Learning is committed to compete by fair means, i.e. on the factors of price, quality and service. We refrain from collusion and other anti-competitive behaviour.

2. Anti-corruption: Infinitas Learning has a zero-tolerance policy on corruption and bribery. Within our sphere of influence, we will not tolerate any attempt to gain or retain business by illegitimate means.

3. Respect of ownership: Infinitas Learning respects the property rights of third parties and operates checks and balances to reduce the risk that infringement of intellectual or other property rights takes place. Accordingly we expect third parties, business partners and our employees to respect our intellectual property rights and other company property.

4. Conflicts of interest: We try to prevent conflicts of interest that might compromise sound business judgment and remain open and transparent should any conflicts of interest occur.

5. Data privacy and confidentiality: We respect the rights to data privacy of our employees and business partners and take measures to maintain confidentiality.

6. Equal opportunities: Infinitas Learning is committed to treat all its employees and business partners fairly and similarly; irrespective of their gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation.

7. Health and safety: Infinitas Learning seeks to provide a safe and healthy working environment for its employees.

8. Sustainability: We aim to minimize the environmental impact of our business as far as possible and to create an environmentally sustainable business.

9. Responsibility of suppliers & business partners: Infinitas Learning expects its business partners to adhere to a high standard of integrity and to accept and further the goals of the Infinitas Learning Compliance Program.

10. Raising concerns: If employees or business partners have reason to believe that someone is acting against these principles, the Code of Conduct or the law they are encouraged to raise these concerns with their superior or the appropriate department. Infinitas Learning is committed to provide anonymity and defend anyone who raises concerns in good faith.

The compliance organisation at Infinitas Learning is decentralised. Every Infinitas company has a Compliance Manager who supports employees if they have questions about our Compliance Programme or wish to raise a concern. Our Chief Compliance Officer monitors the effectiveness and reviews the implementation of our Compliance Programme within the organisation.

For further information, please consult our Code of Conduct or contact the local Compliance Managers. The Code of Conduct of Infinitas Learning is available in the following languages: Dutch, English, French, German, Swedish.

For more information about Compliance at Infinitas Learning, please contact our registered office:
Infinitas Learning
Papendorpseweg 97 – Secoya Building B
3528 BJ utrecht
The Netherlands