Employee Health and Safety
Providing a safe and healthy working environment is a priority for all employers. Infinitas Learning has a well-established company Health and Safety Policy at operating company level for all staff to whom we provide regular training to ensure that it is embedded within every day operations.
- Initiative: Ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for Infinitas employees
- KPI: Number of annual reportable incidents (eg ‘RIDDOR‘or equivalent)
We recognize that there are many that seek an education but, for a multitude of reasons, do not have access to one. We see it as important therefore to help to provide some of this access to education and research through our charitable community giving.
- Initiative: Providing low/no cost access to education and research for developing nations / deprived communities, eg Edukans sponsorship
- KPI: Number of projects, amount of pro bono time, or absolute spend on Community projects that enable wider access to education
Arrangements/Roles and Responsibilities.
The Infinitas Learning Board has overall responsibility for the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Policy. One designated point of contact , the Chief Compliance Officer is responsible for collating reports from the four main aspects and synthesising a report for the Board.
Implementation and Ownership of Individual Initiatives:
- Environmental, Health & Safety and Social impacts in the manufacturing supply chain – Infinitas Learning Procurement and Supply Chain
- Governance of business practices with suppliers and customers Infinitas Learning Procurement and Supply Chain and Chief Compliance Officer, OpCo Compliance Managers
- Employee Health and Safety – Corporate and OpCo HSE, OpCo Properties / Estates Directors and All Staff
- Community – Chief Compliance Officer and OpCo Compliance Managers
Arrangements for monitoring and reporting
Monitoring is to be carried out by the designated people and teams above on an appropriately regular and structured basis as defined by their data collection process. The various facets of the business, as defined above, will report progress up to one point of contact for collation of [annual] performance report.